Here’s a way to increment your autotrading trade size by 1 with each subsequent entry, to a certain maximum, then it resets to 1.
Put this in cell H1: 3 This is the max number of trades that you want to take before returning to a 1 lot. Put this in cell H2: =1/H1 Put this in cell J26: =IF(J8<>0,ABS(J8),((J52/H1)-INT(J52/H1))/H2+1) With J52 (Daily Total Trades) at 0, order quantity will start at 1, then increment by 1 after each trade, then reset to 1 each time J52 increments to again be divisible by H1. Limitations: -It can only increment the order quantity by 1. -It assumes you are all in/all out at each increment. -It assumes the value of H1 is the same for the entire day. -It also resets at midnight, chart time. |