If you are using the Spreadsheet System for Trading study and would like an alert every time you exit all or a portion of your position, then put this in row 3 of any spare Formula Column O-Z…BR:
=$J$43>$J$41-(1/86400) This formula will go TRUE for 1 second at every exit. Now you can set the alert for that column in the spreadsheet study’s settings. If your only spare column is V-Z…BR, you can still alert on any one of those columns. In the spreadsheet study’s settings, set the V-Z alert to No Alert, then put this in the Alerts tab Alert Condition field of any other study, or in the Chart Settings >> Alert tab >> Alert Condition field: =ID1.SG16 This assumes the spreadsheet study is ID1, and the column used is Z. Note: It will not alert if you put it in the Alert Condition field of the spreadsheet study. |