This spreadsheet study will calculate the remaining seconds, or #trades, or volume, or range in ticks until the bar closes, and alert at a prior value set by the user.
This is a standalone study that does not require any other studies for its calculations. However, if you also want to display the countdown value on the chart, use the Text Display for Study study and reference one of the columns O-R (SG5-SG8). Click on each of these links to download: Countdown Alert at Remaining Value+.StdyCollct Countdown Alert at Remaining Value.scss and put both files in your Sierra Chart \Data folder, then click on Analysis >> Countdown Alert at Remaining Value+ On the spreadsheet: -Set your alert at remaining value in a cell K1-N1. The relevant alert is determined by the Bar Period set in Chart Settings. -You can set an alert period in cells I1 and I2. If you don’t want this feature, set the start time to 00:00:00 and the end time to 23:59:59. Alert assignments and alert options are set in the spreadsheet study’s Settings and Inputs tab, not on the Alerts tab. This spreadsheet’s formulas are built on Sheet1, which corresponds to Chart #1. If you apply this study to a different chart number, you must copy the contents of cells H1:R12 on Sheet1 to cells H1:R12 of the corresponding Sheet#. Please use the Countdown Alert at Remaining Value-.StdyCollct file because it loads the correct spreadsheet study with the correct settings. |