If you are new to Sierra Chart’s spreadsheet studies, here are some tips to avoid confusion:
1) When you add a spreadsheet study to a chart, always give it a name in the Spreadsheet Name field. -If you don’t give it a name, the default name will be used again as the default when subsequently adding another spreadsheet study. 2) Spreadsheet studies will by default use sheet numbers relative to the chart number, and the Formula Source Sheet Number will by default correspond to the chart number. -Pay close attention to the Formula Source Sheet Number setting as this is the active sheet for your formulas. If you enter formulas on a sheet that doesn't correspond to this setting, they will disappear. 3) You can use the same-named spreadsheet study on all charts in a chartbook, but limit it to the same chart region for all charts. -You could set the Chart Region separately on each but, to avoid confusion, add a different-named spreadsheet study for each Chart Region. 4) Don’t change the default settings of the Chart Data Output Sheet Number and the Formula Source Sheet Number. -These are handy options but for now accept the default sheet#, and manually copy formulas to other sheets if needed. 5) Don’t use the same-named spreadsheet study in more than one chartbook. -It won’t prevent you from doing this, but if you have both chartbooks open concurrently, they can get into a recalculation loop. 6) Don’t manually add sheets to a spreadsheet study's spreadsheet. -It won’t prevent you from doing this, but if you add this same-named spreadsheet study to a chart in a chartbook whose chart number corresponds to your added sheet#, its output will overwrite the entire sheet. -Since each chart creates its own sheet, the only reason to manually add a sheet is to use it for separate calculations or user parameters. In this case, give the sheet a unique name. 7) Instead of using the traditional column-row cell references, use this format when referencing cells in study output columns (columns to the right of Z ... BR, depending on the Number of Formula Columns setting) : [Study ID].[Subgraph number]@[Row number] Advantages: ---You can insert/delete spreadsheet columns without affecting cell references. ---You can change the Number of Formula Columns setting without affecting cell references. ---You can add, remove, and rearrange studies in the Studies to Graph list without affecting cell references. -Use traditional column-row cell references when referencing columns to the left of study output columns. |